Form bindings

At a glance, to trigger the Form’s field validations we need to call its trigger validation methods manually, but that seems to be too much boilerplate code, and none of us wants that, right?.

View to FlowField binding

Well, for android projects we have a FlowForm.bind(...) extension method that helps us reduce that boilerplate. In this case this “bind” function allow us to bind a field in our FlowForm to a View in the UI, which will automatically take care of triggering the FlowForm’s onValueChange, onFocus, and onBlur validations for each field we specify when such events occur.

private fun bindFields() {
    binding?.apply {
            nameInputEditText to SignUpFormModel.NAME,
            emailInputEditText to SignUpFormModel.EMAIL,
            passwordInputEditText to SignUpFormModel.NEW_PASSWORD,
            confirmPasswordInputEditText to SignUpFormModel.CONFIRM_PASSWORD

Example extracted from the android example app.

In the above example, we are binding the nameInputEditText View to SignUpFormModel.NAME (which is a valid field ID in our form). By doing this, we are basically telling FlowForms to automatically call its validateOnValueChange(), validateOnFocus() and validateOnBlur methods, the former whenever the user changes the current value of the View (for example, adds a character in an InputEditText), the second whenever the View obtains focus and the last one whenever the View loses it. Everything in just one line.

In the example we do the same for each field we want to bind on the form by separating the “bind declaration” (ie View to Field ID) with a ,

Supported ViewTypes

At the moment, for automatic View to FlowField binding we support the following View types :

  • EditText

Trying to use an unsupported View type will result in IllegalArgumentException.

Please feel free to raise an issue with your use case if you don't find the View you are using in the above list and we will be glad to add it in a future release.

LiveData to FlowField binding

In addition to “View to FlowField binding”, we have “LiveData to FlowField binding”, which automatically binds a LiveData object to the given FlowField.

private fun bindFields() {
    binding?.apply {
        viewModel.form.bind(this@SignUpFormFragment, lifecycleScope,
            viewModel.formModel.confirm to SignUpFormModel.CONFIRMATION

Example extracted from the android example app.

In this case, whenever the specified LiveData’s value change the indicated field’s onValueChange validations will be triggered. This is very useful for use cases like confirming terms and conditions of use, which require using a Checkbox to define a boolean value.

when interacting with a checkbox and using Two-way View binding at the same time, it becomes almost necessary to use a LiveData to get notified of the value changes, because Checkbox Views doesn't allow to have more than one onValueChange listener and doesn't provide any method to get the current listener.

Why do we need to pass lifecycleScope when using the bind extensions?

The bind methods require to pass the lifecycleScope as argument because the validate functions in the FlowForm are suspending functions, hence they need to be called from a coroutine, and using the lifecycleScope gives us the benefit that anything we called will be immediately cancelled if the lifecycleScope is cancelled/destroyed.

In the case of binding a LiveData to a FlowField, we also need to pass a LifecycleOwner to be able to listen to the LiveData changes only when the fragment’s/activity’s lifecycle is on an active state (started or resumed). basically we call the LiveData.observe(...) method using the given LifecycleOwner.