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Upgrading project dependencies

Easy way 🚀

Upgrading a React Native project to the latest version can be a challenging task. However, as we are using Expo with a custom dev client, the upgrade process is relatively straightforward compared to a bare React Native project, which requires a significant amount of manual work.

To update most of the dependencies that come with the starter, you can follow these simple steps:

First, go to GitHub and compare your osMetadata.initVersion in your package.json with the latest release. Check if the package.json has been updated. Then, copy the new dependencies and devDependencies versions and paste them into your package.json file.

Finally, run the following commands to make sur everything is working as expected:

Terminal window
rm -rf node_modules ## remove node_modules folder
pnpm install ## install new dependencies
pnpm run doctor ## check for any issues with the dependencies you added to your project
pnpm lint ## linting
pnpm type-check ## type checking
pnpm test ## tests
pnpm prebuild -clean ## clean ios and android build folders and regenerate them
pnpm ios ## run ios build
pnpm android ## run android build
pnpm start --cc ## start the server

If your starter version does not have the osMetadata.initVersion property, don’t worry. Simply follow the steps in the rest of this guide to upgrade your project.

Moreover, if you have added new dependencies to your project (which is common for most projects), the remaining sections of this guide will also assist you in upgrading your project’s dependencies.”

Upgrade Expo

Visit the npm package registry here to ensure that you are getting the latest version of Expo.

Once you have confirmed that you have the latest version, open your terminal and enter the following command:

Terminal window
pnpm add expo@lastVersion
## pnpm add expo@48.0.5 for example

Thanks to the amazing work of the expo team, you can run the following command to upgrade your dependencies to match the correct version required by Expo last version.

Terminal window
pnpm expo install --fix

Running the command above will update your dependencies to ensure that they match the version requirements of Expo. In some cases, you may need to manually apply changes to your project in order to make it work with the new version. The command may also provide more detailed information on any necessary changes.

After updating your dependencies, run expo doctor to identify and fix any other issues that may be related to the new version of Expo and your devDependencies.

Terminal window
pnpm run doctor ## a script inside the starter

Running this command will generate a list of issues that require manual attention. In addition, it will provide a set of npm packages that need to be updated with the exact version required by the new version of Expo.

Now it’s time to make sure everything is still working as expected 😀:

Terminal window
rm -rf node_modules ## remove node_modules folder
pnpm install ## install new dependencies
pnpm lint ## linting
pnpm type-check ## type checking
pnpm test ## tests
pnpm prebuild -clean ## clean ios and android build folders and regenerate them
pnpm ios ## run ios build
pnpm android ## run android build
pnpm start --cc ## start the server

Unfortunately, there is no magic trick here in case you have any issues while running your checks, Fixing those errors may require some manual effort. You can start by reading the error message and identifying any relevant packages that may be causing the issue. Check the changelog of those packages to see if there have been any recent updates that might have introduced breaking changes. This will help you to pinpoint the root cause of the issue and take the necessary steps to resolve it.

The only rule here is to make sure that your project is working as expected before pushing your changes to the remote repository.

Upgrade Non Native dependencies

While Expo upgrade will help you update most native dependencies automatically through the process outlined above, it’s important to keep in mind that non-native dependencies(JS only) may also need to be updated.

This time you will use the power of pnpm to update dependencies to the last version and then run our checks to make sure everything is working as expected.

First, run the following command:

Terminal window
pnpm up -i

When you run this command, it will generate a list of all dependencies associated with your project. You will then be prompted to select the dependencies that you want to update.

Terminal window
zod latest 3.19.1 3.21.4
zustand latest 4.1.4 4.3.6
name range from to url
@babel/core latest 7.20.2 7.21.0
@commitlint/cli latest 17.2.0 17.4.4
@commitlint/config-conventional latest 17.2.0 17.4.4
@testing-library/jest-native latest 5.1.2 5.4.2
@testing-library/react-native latest 11.4.0 11.5.3
@types/i18n-js latest 3.8.3 3.8.4
@types/jest latest 29.2.2 29.4.0
@types/react-native latest 0.70.6 0.71.3
❯◯ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin latest 5.42.1 5.54.1
@typescript-eslint/parser latest 5.42.1 5.54.1
babel-plugin-module-resolver latest 4.1.0 5.0.0
eslint latest 8.27.0 8.35.0
eslint-plugin-i18n-json latest 3.1.0 4.0.0
eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort latest 8.0.0 10.0.0
eslint-plugin-tailwindcss latest 3.6.2 3.10.1
eslint-plugin-unicorn latest 43.0.2 46.0.0

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for managing updates to your project’s dependencies. However, we recommend reviewing the changelog of each package and paying particular attention to any major version updates (indicated by red text). Major version updates may introduce breaking changes that could potentially affect your project’s functionality.

We recommend to start updating devDependencies first by following this process:

  1. Select all devDependencies and update them to the latest version.
  2. Run pnpm doctor to revert any changes that are not in sync with the Expo version you are using.
  3. Run your checks to make sure everything is working as expected.
Terminal window
rm -rf node_modules ## remove node_modules folder
pnpm install ## install new dependencies
pnpm lint ## linting
pnpm type-check ## type checking
pnpm test ## tests
pnpm prebuild -clean ## clean ios and Android build folders and regenerate them
pnpm ios ## run ios build
pnpm android ## run android build
pnpm start --cc ## start the server

If you are lucky enough and everything works as expected without any issues, you can now update the rest of the dependencies.